Apr 27, 2013

Newsweek/Gov't Acct'bl Proj: Toxicology / Human risks w/Gulf Oil Dispersants: "52 times more toxic" than the oil itself.

This report was featured on the news, with a mention that the dispersant was "52 times more toxic" than the oil itself.

I can't yet find actual ingredient lists, mechanisms of health effect, or targeted clinical organs / effects. In the 3rd-deep linked content, here's what I found.

Eventually coined "BP Syndrome" or "Gulf Coast Syndrome," all GAP witnesses experienced spill-related health problems. Some of these effects include: blood in urine; heart palpitations; kidney damage; liver damage; migraines; multiple chemical sensitivity; neurological damage resulting in memory loss; rapid weight loss; respiratory system and nervous system damage; seizures; skin irritation, burning and lesions; and temporary paralysis.

Still, thought our discipline needed to evaluate this situation.