Jun 30, 2011

“Power Inverter-Converter” Lets EV Batteries Supply Homes

The Sharp Corporation has developed a device that enables batteries designed for electric-vehicles (EV) to be used as storage batteries for household use.
 http://blog.rv.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sharp_eco-620x378-300x182.gifThe Intelligent Power Conditioner (power inverter-converter) is based on power control technology that Sharp has cultivated over the course of developing power "conditioners" for photovoltaic power generation systems. With the new unit, solar cells and storage batteries can be operated in conjunction with power from the regular electrical grid to provide a stable electricity supply. In anticipation of wider use of direct current (DC) home appliances, the unit can also supply DC electricity. As electric vehicles are expected to grow in popularity in the future, and Sharp's technology is significant as it enables an additional use of the EV batteries. In its proof-of-concept trials, the company succeeded in supplying eight kilowatts (kW) of power -- enough to cover the use of an average household -- from the battery pack of a commercially available EV. In addition, the unit can charge four kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity in the EV's storage battery in about 30 minutes.  Read more from Japan for Sustainability link from David Schaller