Jan 28, 2011

Green Use of Brownfields Video Town Hall Discussion

The topic of the discussion is green use of brownfields. Financial Resources Guide for RR

Redeveloping a brownfield - a property that has contamination or is thought to be contaminated - can revitalize a neighborhood. Whether used for greenspace, housing, or retail development, a redeveloped property can provide new social and economic opportunities for a community. More and more, neighborhoods are looking for ways to reuse properties that yield both environmental and social benefits. EPA is doing everything we can to provide information about green reuse options such as urban gardens and parks. In addition, EPA is promoting cleanup methods that remove contamination while minimizing the impact on the environment.

EPA wants to know what redevelopment options have worked or you think could work for communities. Has a community near you promoted green reuse of a brownfields site? Have they cleaned up a brownfeilds site in a green way? What can EPA do to help?

Join and watch at EPA.gov