Dec 28, 2007

Warning - Toxins in dust are NOT a new phenomeonon that scientists are uninformed about.

I was concerned about the article below when I read it.
Regarding "toxins in dust"... It stated that (The articles misinformed words):
Scientists don't know for sure where all the toxins commonly found in dust come from. They also don't know the typical concentration of metals and other toxins in house dust. - "Wrong" They do and it is well documented with preventative facts.

It's a baffling phenomenon that may have significant implications, because it could mean that soil cleanups and other measures don't address some of the major sources of human exposure to metals. - "Wrong" It is not a phenomenon and it IS addressed (EPA regulated) during cleanups.

"There's a lot we don't know about house dust and what makes it potentially worrisome is just the number of chemicals and various things that end up in house dust," - "Wrong" we know a lot and "Worry" is typically generated from lack of knowledge and understanding of risk the factors 

Keeping a clean house won't stop the release of lead or flame retardants into house dust. But until researchers have a better understanding of how dust becomes contaminated and the level of risk it poses, it's the best solution to a perplexing problem. - "Wrong"  clean homes include HEPA filtration that is proven to stop spread of these toxins.
"I think it won't be long until more studies have the ability to relate some of these toxic chemicals with a wide range of behaviour effects," Dr. Diamond said. - "True" they have been around for over a decade.

Toxins in dust are NOT a new phenomenon that scientists are uninformed about.
Regardless you may find the uninformed comments from article amusing... so here is the link:
Haase Comments -  While you "could read this article"... like most things on the web, it is just a "hype" subject with misleading information. (sadly, this passes as "current" hype news when it has been thoroughly documented by EPA for decades)
In fact there have been organizations, universities and environ websites helping inform and warn the public on this subject for over a decade. Soooo.....  Here are "helpful" facts on home toxins & Dust: