Jan 29, 2007

"Greenwashing" a scandal that dazzles consumers with the blinding beauty that is GREEN

Hope for hypocrisy?  … find it entertaining that  "treehugger.com" recommended this post, as many of the "green" people lead "very" comfortable lives.
Greenwashing has a stifling effect. The market becomes distorted if the information provided is not true, transparent and fully encompassing, for it cannot represent consumers' true preferences.
GREEN - the holy grail of sustainability - that warm feeling you get when you do something 'good'. The power of 'green' is so tremendous that it has often been channeled into another symbol of hope: the good old green American $: a fast 'buck' or two billion wrapped up in a green blanket of hope.
As consumers have become increasingly aware of environmental and social issues, some brands have found it hard to resist exploiting and profiting from the emerging 'green market'. It is big business.
Greenwashing is not part of the environmental movement but a huge environmental problem that will continue to expand right up to the point that it 'no longer pays'. Consumers must, and will, make their choices based on accurate environmental information and education.
Please read full Greenwashing by Clownfish http://www.psfk.com/2007/01/greenwashing.html